
Starting Plant Seeds Indoors in Four Seasons Room |Relentless Advance
Relentless Advance Gardening garden answer, Johnnys seeds, plant seeds, seed starting, seeds 1
Purchasing my home in October of 2019, I had no idea what to do with the four seasons room off the back of the kitchen. It was staged with a small pullout couch and has been used as a pass through to get to the detached garage. Finally this year I figured out that I could turn it into a greenhouse rather than an extension of my backyard patio area. I am starting seeds in the four seasons room this year with Jiffy seed starting kits.
About twenty years ago, my father and I started seeds in the basement over the winter. We used saw horses and ping pong table boards. We also hung a large number of fluorescent shop lights from the ceiling. We joked about if ATF ever flew over the house and saw a large output of electricity they would think we were growing something else! The Jiffy seed starting kits I am using this year are leftovers from the twenty years ago that they have been stored in my parents’ basement.
There is just something about greenery and new plants germinating. It makes me so happy to be around plants, sunshine, and warmth. A few days ago, I was watching Garden Answer on YouTube and Laura was talking about planting several seeds from Johnny’s Selected Seeds based in Maine. The varieties that she was describing looked interesting to me for my own garden designs. I purchased four seed packets for my garden to start in the four seasons room.
With the information Laura provided in her video, I purchased ‘Sun Ball’ Craspedia and ‘Mahogany Splendor’ Hibiscus. Laura talked about how the Mahogany Splendor can be used as an alternative to Japanese Maples. Seeing as how I have purchased four Japanese maples in the last two years, I figured I would try it. Additionally, I purchased some red flower and stemmed Celosia and some multicolored Yarrow from Johnny’s. Locally I also purchased several varieties of Zinnias, Marigolds, and Alyssum.
I still have to wait for April and the low thirty degree nights so that I do not have to constantly run my heater in the four seasons room. I usually keep it at a standard 65 degrees during the winter since it is used as a pass through and my back door connecting the house from the four season room is an interior door.

Planning 2022 Garden Projects in Cold and Snowy Wisconsin |Relentless Advance
Relentless Advance Gardening garden, garden planning, garden projects, wisconsin gardener 0
I woke up on Saturday at 5:30am after working more than fifty hours in a week. I needed a spark of joy after such a stressful week at work. To inject some joy into my spirits I knew just what to do, I went and grabbed my box of happiness! A box full of plant tags from the garden so I can keep track of what I have in the gardens.
Opening the box of labels immediately sends my brain in to planning and designing mode. I think of the Japanese maples I have purchased as foundation plants. All but one of my Japanese maples have survived the harsh, unpredictable Northeast Wisconsin winters. In the box are also small paper bags from when I purchased Caladium bulbs last year.
I am glad that I kept the labeled bags that last year’s Caladium bulbs came in. I received the Proven Winners inspiration book in the mail, but PW Caladiums are expensive, so I found an Etsy shop selling Caladiums that gave me the sizes and varieties I wanted without going broke. I also found tall red canna bulbs and variegated canna bulbs. I had fun creating large pots full of height and color all around the yard.
For the 2021 season, I chose Peppermint, Fiesta, Spring Fling, Raspberry Moon, and Marie Moir caladiums. The caladiums did wonderfully throughout the growing season except for the beetles that came in a wave and ate holes in the leaves. I was stunned at the color that I can have in such dark areas of my yard. I rescued a gorgeous amber colored ninebark from death in the dark corner of my yard. In 2021, I had some hidden large containers between the house and the garage with Canna, Coleus, and Brunnera. The striped reddish leaves of the canna were eye-catching but hidden behind my wood gate.
For 2022, I just ordered Marie Moir, White Queen, Red Flash, Pink Cloud, Dragon Heart, Gypsy Rose, and Florida Fantasy. My intention is to have a small, raised bed in the darkest corner of my yard for a pop of color. I imagine I will pair the caladiums with some Jack Frost Brunnera. This new season, I ordered more of the same Canna bulbs to add a line of large containers to the front yard. I was debating which side of the driveway to plant to get the most sun exposure.
Tackling the front yard landscape is on my list of 2022 projects. I am hoping to get rid of the concrete edging that outlines such minimal space next to the house. I want to create a fun and mesmerizing front yard experience. My house is unique because the surrounding homes are taller and closer to the street. It was said that my home was the last one built on the street so I can give it an extra bit of attention for the neighborhood.