Fox Cities Showdown 2016

After following a dry run at carb cycling and getting feedback from various sources, I altered my carb cycling. In the 16 weeks I have to get ready to hit the stage, I’m going to be smarter about my approaches.

My non-lifting days will be cardio days and I will keep my carbs at a moderate level. My three lifting days will add an additional 100-150 grams of carbs in a pre and post workout fashion.
My method is specifically tailored to my body and my experiences with carbs and weight fluctuations. I know that the greatest benefit to my process will be the added physical activity on my rest days.

I am doing this to strive towards a goal, to dream bigger than my comfort zone, to be fearful but take action anyway. I have a continual desire to be a role model for people I come in contact with. I know that by following my dreams, I give others the courage to follow their dreams.