The Real Home Search Begins

After hearing a coworker tell me how it took over one month to get pre-approved for a mortgage, I was dreading the underwriting process. A day short of a week, I sent an update email to my loan officer asking for her assistance in pushing the underwriter forward. The pre-approval came one week and one day after I had signed my papers for the pre-approval process.

Today (the day after pre-approval) I spoke with my realtor about the search criteria for the type of home that I am looking for. It was difficult narrowing down a location region. I definitely did not want to look at homes on the East side of Green Bay. I didn’t want to have to extend my drive to work that far, especially in Wisconsin winters.

The other difficult factor in the search for homes is that 2019 seems to be a seller’s market. So the search begins…on an app! Using an app, I am able to reject, mark for review or favorite listings and all of this data goes straight to my realtor to help with setting up property viewings. Truthfully, I’m still trying to figure out how to reject or mark as undecided within the app. We started with two listings and I liked one of them; the location is a bit iffy though as it is the far north of West Green Bay.

The Real Home Search Begins is part 2 in a series

Part 1: Buying My First Home